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Lars: Ready? Deploying winch. Here it comes, Xuli!

Xuli: Hello! Waw~~

Foz: Prepare to winch.

Xuli: It’s not oil, it’s octopus ink! Lars, stop the winch!

Ubercorn: Octopus ink? Ha-ha! Well, in that case, maybe that rusty wreck isn’t such bad news for the reef after all.

Kyan: What do you mean, Ubercorn?

Ubercorn: I think it’s part of the reef. Let’s take a deep dive into some funky facts. Ooowww~~

#Fucky facts, funky facts…#

Ubercorn: The academy is where it’s at.

#With Ubercorn’s funky top three!#


Ubercorn: A reef is a collection of coral, where millions of different sea creatures live. Just like the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.


Ubercorn: Sometimes, even man-made objects, like shipwrecks, can become an artificial reef.


Ubercorn: These can provide a home to all sorts of sea life. And as long as the wrecked submarine isn’t leaking oil, it’s all good.

#Funky facts#

Foz: Glitch’s submarine plus a long, long time equals home to that octopus and lots of fishy friends.

Xuli: Phew! Glad we didn’t spoil your home. Huh? Not cool!

Lars&Kyan&Foz: Grandmaster Glitch!

Glitch: Stay away from Granny Glitch’s sub, No Jetters!

Lars: Glitch, Stop! Your granny’s submarine is home to lots of sea creatures!

Glitch: Bah, can’t they use the rest of the ocean? Full power!

Xuli: Stop!

Foz: We need to cut the power to the winch!

Kyan: I’m on it!

Kyan: Hmm, Eeny, meeny, miny… Aced it!

Glitch: Grimbots…

Xuli: Oh, no! Aw, not cool! I’m stuck.

Glitch: Oh, Grimbots, I’m even stucker!

Foz: We need to help Xuli! And save Glitch too.

Lars: We need click-ons.

All: Go!!!

Lars: Ubercorn, it’s time for an underwater rescue.

Ubercorn: You got it, Go Jetter! Time for a mix to fix that glitch! G-O Fix! G-O Giant! G-O Ball!

Foz: Don’t worry, Xuli, I’ve got this. Easy does it!

Xuli: Thanks, Foz!

Glitch: Wait, don’t I get rescued?

Lars: Coming right up, Glitch.

Lars: Go for it, Kyan.

Kyan: On it, buddy!

Glitch: At last… Oh, that really worked! Thanks a lot for the fantastic rescue, No Jetter. Next time, don’t even… Ahhh, Grimbots…








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